It is a fact that the coronavirus has gone viral since March 2020, but not only the coronavirus but also our social networking habits have increased dramatically. Have you seen the TikTok video in which a girl uses a scarf / N95 / KN95 and tries to put out a candle by blowing into it through each of the masks? Through the scarf she manages to put out the candle, through the masks she fails. Let me tell you, I was tempted to try the candle experiment on my own before I could tell you about its accuracy. However, I did not do it because there are also a lot of evidence coming from laboratory studies and a real-world trials that explain how mask-wearing reduce COVID-19 and other respiratory diseases. Thanks to them, we have only one responsibility and that is to wear the masks that they recommend that are the best so we can stop spreading the infection.
Here are some of the campaigns that advocate the use of masks:

“The surgical face mask has become a symbol of our times.”

This is the headline of an article in the New York Times about the role of masks during the Covid 19 pandemic. Wearing face masks is recommended as part of personal protective equipment and as a public health measure to prevent the spread of Covid 19. With new variants that are even more contagious, it is important to wear masks that will have a high filtration capacity. Let’s talk about the masks that have that capacity.

Difference between a N95 and a KN95 mask

According to the CDC, N95 is a respirator that removes particles from the air that are inhaled through it. The filtration of this type of respirator is at least 95% of the particles with a size of 0.3 microns. Respirators such as N95 are certified by CDC and NIOSH (The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health). Also these masks are firmer than other face masks which means they allow less particles inside or out and therefore you may sometimes feel that the mask is almost sealed to your face.

KN95 masks have different standards from N95 even if they sound similar. Both types are made of multiple layers of synthetic material and have straps that go behind the ears to hold the mask in the right place. The main difference is who certifies the masks. The requirements for N95 are slightly stricter in relation to the pressure drop in the mask during inhalation, which means that N95 allows more breathing than KN95 masks. The same requirements apply to N95 masks for exhalation. Because of this, it can be said that N95 masks are slightly more advanced in terms of overall breathability for users.

It’s really confusing what a respirator is and what a mask is. The average face mask does not filter small particles when breathing, instead it acts as a barrier that traps large particles and droplets. KN95 and N95, on the other hand, are respirators because they seal the skin and leave no gaps like the average mask (on the bridge of the nose or near the cheeks). These respirators filter 95% of the particles with a diameter of 0.3 microns or larger. Why is this important? Because most bacteria are larger than 0.3 microns, and there are viral particles that are smaller than 0.3 microns but suspended in water droplets are effectively larger. Therefore, these masks can filter 95% of those small particles.

The only biggest difference between the two masks comes down to regulation. Simply put, the KN95 follows Chinese standards, the N95 follows American standards. A study found that 70% of KN95 masks in the United States were counterfeit and that is the real problem. If original KN95 masks are used, then they are just as good as N95 as both types of masks retain 0.3 micron particles and are 95% efficient in doing that.

Approved KN95 masks will work almost identically to N95 masks because they have practically the same filtration rate and are therefore equally safe if properly certified. The KN95 masks can have ear loops, and most N95 masks only attach with a headband.

Do you know what is interesting? N95 masks are effective only when worn once or twice, they are not intended for reuse. In contrast, studies with KN95 masks suggest that these masks can be reused effectively. Mask that is sprayed with Ethanol, air dried and then vacuum dried had effective filtration even after all these steps.

The CDC has repeatedly mentioned that N95 masks are a priority for healthcare professionals because they are the best at filtering out the virus. However, the use of N95 masks is allowed for other citizens where the masks are available. There are already better offers and wherever possible, a higher quality mask is recommended. N95 masks are very effective when used properly. They meet the standard which means that they are designed and tested to ensure that they operate at a consistent level to prevent the spread of Covid 19. Specified N95 (NIOSH approved), KN95 (meeting Chinese standard) and KF94 (meeting South Korean standard) are examples of masks that have been tested.

On the other hand, most people do not have access to fit testing to ensure proper use with minimal air leakage. If the mask does not fit completely, will not be obtained full benefit. This can be considered a disadvantage. Also, N95 masks are not intended or designed for children. Counterfeits are a challenge, so look for a reputable dealer and make sure the product is legitimate.

How do I know I have certified mask?

We have been in a pandemic for almost two years. We make every effort with vaccinations and therapies, but masks are still a part of our lives. No matter what type the masks are, it is obvious that we will not throw them away any time soon. The latest variants of the coronavirus are even more contagious than the previous variants leading to a new increase in cases. That is why it is important to make the right choice of mask that will protect us and the people around us. The N95 and KN95 masks remain a great barrier against this virus if the masks are from certified, legitimate brands.

Increased demand for masks leads to an increase in counterfeit N95 or KN95 masks that do not offer the same protection as the originals. That is why we can find many official guidelines that describe features that are key to the masks whether they are original or counterfeit.

The CDC recommends tips and precautions that can be taken to determine if masks are counterfeit. Uncertified N95 mask can be recognized by the following:

  1. The NIOSH approval stamp will be missing or will be spelled wrong on the face of the mask.
    2. The mask has ear loops. Remember that the real masks have headbands that are used for a tighter fit.
    3. The TC approval is not listed on the face of the mask.
    4. The company claims approval for use by children.
    5. You can see decorative add-ons.
    6. The manufacturing lot number is not visible on the face of the mask.
    The same goes for detecting whether the KN95 mask is fake. The surest way to a real mask is to order it from a legitimate store. When ordering look for lab results showing filtration levels, search for test videos where you pour water into the mask and look for droplets passing through the other side, stress test the ear loop bands and make sure all the data they have given you adds up.

Are the masks effective?

I will point out two convincing case reports that indicate that these masks are effective not only in laboratories but also in real life. One case is of a man who flew from China to Toronto with a subsequent positive test for Covid 19. He had a dry cough but wore a mask throughout the flight. All 25 people sitting closest to him after the flight tested negative for Covid 19. Another case, two Missouri hairdressers had close contact with 140 clients while being positive for Covid 19. They all wore masks during thе appointments and none of them tested positive.

Reminding everyone that “masks save lives” is not just advice. It is a scientific fact that wearing masks in public can help slow the spread of Covid 19. I am very careful to wear a mask outside the home. I do not do this to protect myself, but to protect others. Why? Because if I had accidentally been exposed to the virus and was currently incubating it, I would not want to pass it on to other people. Each of us can unknowingly spread the virus. We owe it to everyone we meet to protect them, especially those who are more vulnerable.
However, there are still skeptics around. To some extent this is justified because the measures of the states are changing. Once the use of masks outside is not mandatory, other times it is mandatory. So the question is, how much does facial covering protect around you? Quite a bit, according to researchers who have created a sophisticated mathematical model so that this can be seen and proven in detail. According to that model, even if the community universally adopts crude cloth which is far from 100% protection against the virus, this measure alone will significantly reduce deaths.

The researchers made different scenarios for the outbreak and the use of masks and calculated the total number of deaths from Covid 19. Not surprisingly, they found that the total number of deaths and infections decreased as the availability of the masks increased.

Another paper suggests that while wearing masks is primarily intended to prevent the wearer from infecting others, it may also help lower the dose, or inoculium, that the wearer may receive from others, resulting in milder or asymptomatic infections. If this is true, it’s another great reason to wear a mask.
Researchers at Duke University tested the effectiveness of the various types of masks people are using to stop spread during the COVID-19 pandemic. Naturally, the most effective mask was the N95. Worst performers, researchers say, were folded bandannas and knitted masks.

More about the experiment, you can read here:

In the end, we can say that both N95 masks and KN95 masks use multiple layers of synthetic materials to protect against external particles. And as their name suggests, both filter 95% of particles 0.3 microns and larger in size. The main differences are the appearance and the regulatory bodies that control the masks. NIOSH controls the N95 masks, putting each prototype mask from different manufacturers through a rigorous testing process. The Chinese government regulates KN95 masks. For the average person, the N95 and KN95 masks have slight differences. If you are not a health professional, one or the other will suffice. Pay close attention to counterfeit masks and always buy from reputable stores and follow the rules that apply to original masks.

N95 and KN95 are the gold standard in efficiency for preventing the mask user from inhaling or exhaling viral particles. These masks are certainly best reserved for first-line workers in high-risk conditions where aerosols of viral particles appear. Surgical masks are less effective, and cloth covers even less so. However, they all play a major role in reducing the spread of viruses,

For the general public, as mentioned, the reason for wearing a mask is to protect others around you when coughing, sneezing or talking occurs because it sprays viral droplets into the air. Many people can spread the virus unknowingly because they are infected and have no symptoms. Therefore, wearing masks shows respect for others and is your way of helping to reduce the spread of the disease. Of course, remember to choose a mask that will not be uncomfortable to breathe.

Stay safe so we don’t celebrate another birthday like this.